Physics is the science of matter, of which the 4 intrinsic characteristics are:

  1. Mass
  2. Localisation
  3. Shape
  4. Temporality

Beyond Physics is a non-physical state which does not have:

  1. Neither mass
  2. Neither shape
  3. Neither localisation
  4. Neither temporality

This state which I name “Mass 0”, studies phenomena beyond Physics (Metaphysics) which manage Physics.

It is “Information”.

It is in all things, guides each process and orchestrates the whole.


The etymology of the word “virus” comes from the Latin “virus”, meaning “snake venom” and by extension “secretion of poison” or “toxic”. This definition seems correct, viruses are toxic waste detected when cells are attacked by pathogens.

See at the end of the document: A hypothesis based on the study of Professor Fioranelli (University Marconi, Italy).

This theory positions the existence of viruses within the phase of “consequences” of a disease, and this chronology de facto disrupts current beliefs and knowledge.

According to this new causal link established between pathogens, disease and viruses:

  • What are the real pathogens causing the disease revealed by toxic waste?
  • How is this waste produced?
  • Why is there such diversity of viruses?


They can be sorted into four categories, only two of which are listed by science, the other two, of major importance, remaining masterfully omitted.

Pathogens are:

  1. Toxic chemicals
  • Animal venoms
  • Plant poisons
  • Toxins, from Bacteria
  • Biocides and antibiotics
  • Heavy metals
  • Industry harmful chemicals
  1. Living organisms
  • Parasites
  • Bacteria (which produce harmful toxins)
  • Fungi

NB: Toxins produced by bacteria should not be confused with toxics, or poison (even though toxins are toxic!)

Unlike “viruses”, parasites and bacteria assimilated to infectious agents can be purified, isolated and identified according to Scientific method, in laboratory. Therefore, they can be identified and fought.

  1. Radiations

 There are all sorts of radiations, and while some are beneficial, several are very harmful. These are:

  • Ambient radioactivity
  • Mobile networks frequencies
  • Residual magnetic fields
  • UV (Increase due to the hole in the ozone layer)
  • Infra sounds
  • Mutagens dispersed by humans in the environment (radionuclides)
  • And many more…

Radiations can be pathogenic by different types of actions, mechanical, electrical, thermal and athermic (Informational).


Resonance effect. A wave can break a structure. It can shatter a glass with a voice, or have a micro-organism (bacteria) explode when submitted to 2 frequencies (the highest being 11 times the lowest).


The effects of electrical stimulation of all tissues of the nervous system due to currents induced in low frequencies (<10MHz) may parasite brain and stimulate nerves.

Thermal Effects

DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) has declassified some interesting information evaluating the impact of radiation on living cells.

Examples of thermal effects range from UV skin burns, to thrombosis when 5G microwaves heat the blood’s haemoglobin. This results in clots just like egg white coagulates in a pan. (Both haemoglobin and Albumin are proteins which coagulate /clot with heat).

DIA mentioned that athermic effects have not been studied yet.

Athermic effects

Radiations interact with existing magnetic fields and disrupt the original ‘Information’ conveyed by these.

This induces “Loss of Function”, which manifests under several forms, described below.

  1. Temporary acute conditions:

Anosmia (loss of smell)

Ageusia (loss of taste)

Hypoxia (loss of role of Hemoglobin, in transporting oxygen).

  1. Autoimmune diseases: self-destruction (cell decrease)
  2. Cancer: cell proliferation (to ensure the survival of the species)

Radiations can be pathogenic by several actions on cells and organs.

“Athermic actions” are pathogenic because they induce “Loss of Function”, as in “disinformation”.

  1. Information

There are several concepts for ‘Information’, we will focus here on “Information = mass 0”.

This key notion is at the heart of everything. “Mass 0 Information” is the core programming of each cell and organ, and monitors each phenomenon:

  • It presides to cell creation and destruction, maintains their balance.
  • It defines their function, controls and optimises the execution of processes.

And while ‘correct Information’ maintains a healthy balance and can heal… conversely ‘wrong Information’ disrupts balance, induces malfunctions and is pathogenic.

‘Wrong Information’ or ‘Disinformation’ leads to “Informational disorders”.

 Cell and organ disinformation is expressed in 2 major ways:

  • Loss of Function, such as Anosmia, Ageusia, Hypoxia, Cancer, and all Immune dysfunctions. (As seen above, with the athermic effect of radiations).
  • Gain of Function, including digitally airing an instruction, which will induce a harmful result.

And on the side, wrong information also destabilises the Milieu, facilitating the entry of other pathogens.

It is useful to emphasize that Loss of Function can be attributed to both radiations and to Information. This is because Information is transported by waves and magnetic fields. They are merged, and as such, corruption can be caused by either and both of them.

Conversely, Radiation has no role in “Gain of Function”. Function cannot be created by radiation; it can only be corrupted (bad waves) or harmonized (good waves). Gain of Function is a re-programming information, typically man-created, and which can be aired digitally to affect cells and organs.

(I am not specialized in radiations, and will leave the exact terminology and measurement to the specialists).


The human body fights incoming pathogen, and metabolizes them, releasing waste (toxic products) which is then evacuated. These toxics are named ‘viruses’.

To picture this, after intense physical sport, we feel muscle soreness; this is due to uric acid (a large sized protein) metabolized by the body and building up in joints. It is painful, can bring fatigue and sometimes a slight fever… but we don’t call it a virus.

According to scientific hypothesis, metabolized DNA purines release protein waste – similar to “viruses”.

In fact, there are as many viruses as there are incoming pathogens.

We can also say that a “viral response” is associated to each incoming pathogen.


The enemy has changed. The virus becomes the signal, it allows the disturbance to be detected, it is not the cause of the disease. From this new base, it is necessary to initiate new research protocols, namely that many pathogens are not only identifiable, but also preventable. Thus, prevention will warrant perfect health rather than fighting against a disease, which only manifests itself in the objective of regaining balance. Balance that current medicine sets out to upset by striving to suppress the symptoms that work to restore balance.

Marie-Laure Becquelin

June 23, 2021


Study by Prof. Fioranelli, Marconi University (Italy):

Prof. Fioranelli, from Marconi University (Italy) demonstrated in a study published on June 9, 2020 that 5G waves create cavities in cells in the shape of Covid-19. His hypothesis is that Covid-19 could be generated in these cavities, which would act as a kind of mould.

My theory is that conversely, the Covid-19 shaped cavities in cells would simply be the imprint that the Covid-Toxic leaves behind when it is excreted as waste, after being generated by cells.